Jennie Allen Video Bible Studies

Jennie Allen Video Bible Studies

Jennie Allen is a passionate leader and visionary following God's call to inspire women to encounter the invisible God. Jennie has a Master's in Biblical Studies from Dallas Theological Seminary, and she is the founder of IF:Gathering. Jennie, and her husband Zac, have four children.

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Jennie Allen Video Bible Studies
  • Untangle Your Emotions (Jennie Allen)

    6 items

    The rules have changed when it comes to our emotions. Do we have control over feeling sad? Feeling angry? Feeling happy? If we can just stop thinking a thought, can we just stop feeling a feeling? Jennie Allen takes a look at individual moments when Jesus and Father God and the Spirit all feel em...

  • Find Your People (Jennie Allen)

    7 items

    Before this study was a study, it was the number-one question Jennie Allen got from women: "How do I make friends as an adult?" We'll look back at the community almost every generation has had until us—and how we are living differently. We'll look at what God meant relationships to be and how we ...

  • Get Out of Your Head (Jennie Allen)

    6 items

    Study of a Book of the Bible: Philippians

    Are your thoughts holding you captive? Jennie Allen knows what it’s like to swirl in a spiral of destructive thoughts, such as I’ll never be good enough. Other people have better lives than I do. God couldn’t really love me. In this study on the book of ...

  • Nothing to Prove (Jennie Allen)

    8 items

    Study of a book of the Bible: John

    You don’t have anything to prove. Too many of us walk through life thinking if we could only work harder or be better, we could be enough. But the truth is, we will never be enough. And thankfully, we don’t have to be. Jennie Allen walks through key passages i...

  • Restless (Jennie Allen)

    8 items

    Study of a Bible Character: Joseph

    Jennie Allen gives you a practical plan to identify the threads of your life and intentionally weave them together for God's glory and purposes. Using the story of Joseph, Jennie explains how his suffering, gifts, story, and relationships fit into the greater s...

  • Stuck (Jennie Allen)

    8 items

    So many of us live stuck. Stuck in trying to seem perfect. Stuck in sadness. Stuck feeling numb. Stuck pursuing more stuff to make us happy. These stuck places often go unattended inside of us and they are shaping our lives more than we would like to think. We've been trying to fix this feeling w...

  • Chase (Jennie Allen)

    8 items

    Study of a Bible Character: David.

    What are you chasing? We’re all chasing after something, something that we think will make us happy—comfort, success, a bigger house, or someone’s approval. But if we're honest, it feels like trying to catch the wind. As David’s life weaves throughout the pages...