Relat(able) (Louie Giglio)
From the time we are born, relationships shape who we are and how we engage with the world around us. We develop a view of God and others that impacts how we relate to our family and friends. All of us desire more meaningful relationships, but where do we start? In this study, Louie Giglio explores what makes us relatable. Because God has gone to extraordinary lengths to relate to us, we can build incredible relationships with one another and even see restoration in broken relationships that seem impossible to repair.
Available Products:
Study Guide
S1: The Shovel and the Spoon (Relat(able))
S2: The Man or Woman in the Mirror (Relat(able))
S3: A God to Call Father (Relat(able))
S4: The Friend Everyone Longs For (Relat(able))
S5: Becoming Someone vs. Finding Someone (Relat(able))
S6: Handshake of Peace (Relat(able))
Bonus 1: Why Date? (Relat(able))
Bonus 2: Marriage with a Mission (Relat(able))