Signs and Secrets of the Messiah

Signs and Secrets of the Messiah

Does God still do miracles? It’s a question many ask when they read about the wonders God does in the Bible. In Signs and Secrets of the Messiah, Rabbi Jason Sobel seeks to answer this question by drawing on Jesus’ miracles in the Gospel of John, biblical culture, and ancient texts. He reveals how Jesus takes the ordinary and turns it into something extraordinary (turning water into wine), gives new life (healing the man at the Pool of Bethesda), and blesses you so you can bless others (multiplying the loaves and fish). God still does the miraculous . . . if we only open our eyes to see it.

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Signs and Secrets of the Messiah
  • Signs and Secrets of the Messiah: S1 - Transformation

    The first event at which Yeshua reveals His identity is a wedding. Why? Because the final event in Revelation is the marriage of the Messiah
    to His people (see Revelation 19–22). Yeshua is the ultimate bridegroom. John 2 gives us a sneak preview of this ultimate wedding celebration.

  • Signs and Secrets of the Messiah: S2 - New Birth

    In John 3 Yeshua encountered a Pharisee named Nicodemus, one-on-one. The Pharisees derived their name from the Hebrew word perushim, or “separate,” and their separation required ritual cleansing and purification, which was connected to the concept of "new birth."

  • Signs and Secrets of the Messiah: S3 - Healing

    God does not hide the truth so that we can’t find it. God hides the truth because He wants us to go deeper into our relationship with Him, His Word, and our faith to find it. When we dig deeper, meditate, and live out the revealed and the hidden truths, we draw closer to God.
    We invite His intima...

  • Signs and Secrets of the Messiah: S4 - Multiplication

    In this session, we will examine the signs and secrets of multiplication. In John 6 Yeshua feeds a crowd of people with only five loaves of bread and two fish. Yeshua tested the disciples in the say way God tested the Children of Israel in the wilderness.

  • Signs and Secrets of the Messiah: S5 - Fullness

    The last miracle recorded in the book of John is where Yeshua told His disciples to fish from the right side of the boat—leading to a miraculous catch of 153 fish. We will examine the significance of the “right side,” the number 153, and we will also examine our opportunity to serve others miracu...