

Dallas Willard had this great response once when asked if he could describe Jesus in one word. He sat back, took a breath, and responded: "Relaxed." As we know through Scripture, for Jesus to come across as relaxed doesn't mean He didn't grieve or get angry or feel the weight of the world on His shoulders; it meant He was never in a hurry to be anywhere other than where He was, trusting and obeying His Father's Way.

Relax . . . Does this word describe your life? It can. And for those in Christ, it will. So what are you waiting for? Join Megan Marshman and walk slowly toward (and with) the relaxed life of Jesus. What do you have to lose? You’ll find out that it's everything you've been hoping to lose all along.

Available Products:
Study Guide Book

  • S1: Trust in the Lord (Relaxed)

    Becoming like Christ, becoming relaxed, is the by-product of relationship with Him. Becoming more relaxed will happen, not as we try harder to be more relaxed, but as we open our honest hearts to the one who is not worried about a thing.

  • S2: With All Your Heart (Relaxed)

    Our behavior comes from the depth of our hearts. The first step of spiritual growth is opening our hearts to God instead of hiding them. If we skip the step of opening our hearts to God, we will try to change by trying to change. We aren't doing the work. We ARE the work.

  • S3: Lean Not on Your Own Understanding (Relaxed)

    We aren't relaxed because we're trying to figure it all out. That really means "I'm just trying to control my life." If you rely on yourself and you succeed, it becomes pride. If you fail, it becomes shame. Both arrogance and shame are manifestations of pride. Rather, your first move should be to...

  • S4: Submit to Him in Grief and Mistakes (Relaxed)

    Anxiety, grief, and mistakes can cripple us and force us to try to lean on our own understanding. But we really want something better than understanding. We want to be able to relax. God's peace is better than understanding, and we gain his peace by trusting him.

  • S5: Submit to Him in Risk and Friendships (Relaxed)

    Relationships are risky. But taking risks is a great way to kick out autonomy, which is something we could stand to lose. Risk is important because it opens us to God's power and love - we don't look for his presence when we're comfortable.

  • S6: Submit to Him in Money and Trials (Relaxed)

    Our aim is to trust in the Lord with all our hearts, and money and trials reveal our hearts. Our aim with money is to move from "ownership" to "stewardship." The purpose of trials is to mature us and teach us joy.

  • S7: And He Will Make Your Paths Straight (Relaxed)

    God will make our paths straight, but he won't make everything easy. God does not give us exact answers, but he will make us Christ-like choosers. When we trust him with all our hearts, we join in on what he's already doing.