Know the Heretics
There is a lot of talk about heresy these days. The frequency and volume of accusations suggest that some Christians have lost a sense of the gravity of the word. On the other hand, many believers have little to no familiarity with orthodox doctrine or the historic distortions of it. What’s needed is a strong dose of humility and restraint, and also a clear and informed definition of orthodoxy and heresy. Know the Heretics provides an accessible “travel guide” to the most significant heresies throughout Christian history.
Available Products:
S1: Introduction: Why Heresy? (Know the Heretics)
S2: Judaizers: The Old Rules Still Apply (Know the Heretics)
S3: Gnostics: God Hides Messages for the Enlightened (Know the Heretics)
S4: Marcion: Vengeful Yahweh versus Gentle Jesus (Know the Heretics)
S5: Docetists: The Spiritual Is Good, the Physical Is Evil (Know the Heretics)
S6: Mani: God Must Be Freed (Know the Heretics)
S7: Sabellius: One Actor and Three Hats (Know the Heretics)
S8: Arius: Jesus Is a Lesser God (Know the Heretics)
S9: Apollinarius: Christ May Be Human, His Mind Is Divine (Know the Heretics)
S10: Pelagius: God Has Already Given Us the Tools (Know the Heretics)
S11: Eutyches: Christ as a New Kind of Being (Know the Heretics)
S12: Nestorius: Christ's Divinity Must Be Shielded (Know the Heretics)
S13: Socinus: The Trinity Is Irrelevant and Jesus's Death... (Know the Heretics)
S14: Conclusion (Know the Heretics)