Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts, Session 3, Have You Developed the Habit of Happiness?
Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts
How do you typically respond when unexpected circumstances interrupt your plans? The one habit that can make or break your relationship is the capacity to adjust to things beyond your control. The most important quality of a marriageable person is the habit of happiness. The toxins that threaten happiness in marriage are blame, resentment and self-pity.
Up Next in Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts
Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts...
There are some basic skills for communicating effectively with your spouse. First, **clarify content** to keep from jumping to conclusions. Men and women use different types of talking: Men use *report* talk, women use *rapport* talk. Second, **reflect feelings** to make your spouse feel understo...
Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts...
Everybody knows that men and women are different. But what most newlywed couples don't realize, until they cross the proverbial threshold, is just how pronounced that difference is. There is a difference in the way we **solve problems:** men want to *solve* them, women want to *explore* them. In ...
Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts...
Conflict is inevitable. Now matter how "in love" a couple is, friction eventually emerges. But the savvy couple knows how to use this conflict to their advantage. Negative feelings that get buried have a high rate of resurrection. Healthy conflict avoids criticism, defensiveness, contempt, and st...