S4: The Resurrection (God the Savior)
God the Savior (The Story Bible Study Series)
Jesus came into our lower story world to represent us by taking on a perishable body. During his thirty-three years on earth, he resisted every temptation and, unlike Adam in the Garden of Eden, came out sinless. His perishable body died, but three days later he rose from the dead to conquer death once and for all. God had kept his promise, and the way back to him was now open for all people from all nations.
Up Next in God the Savior (The Story Bible Study Series)
S5: New Beginnings (God the Savior)
God creates a new community called “the church” to reveal his plan and to point all people to the second coming of Christ. Believers form the body of Christ and collectively extend Jesus’ presence and purpose earth. God, the Spirit, who in the Old Testament previously existed behind the thick cur...
S6: Paul's Mission (God the Savior)
God selects Paul to be the primary catalyst of his promise to Abraham that all peoples on earth would be blessed through him, and directs him to take the message of Jesus to the Gentiles. Paul responds to that call and is responsible for planting many Gentile churches, strengthening numerous othe...
S7: Paul's Final Days (God the Savior)
Paul reminds believers in Christ that they are now part of a unified body and that each member has a specific part, purpose, and function to perform. Paul knows that his time on earth is short, so he calls on co-workers like Timothy and Titus to continue this mission of spreading the gospel to th...