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S2: Chasing Purpose (Philippians - Beautiful Word)

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S1: Chasing Joy (Philippians - Beautiful Word)

Beautiful Word: Philippians • 24m

Up Next in Beautiful Word: Philippians

  • S2: Chasing Purpose (Philippians - Be...

    We all have preferences in life. We’d prefer life to go a certain way. We’d prefer what we want, when we want it. We’d prefer that our prayers were answered the way we envisioned in the timing we imagined. But our preferences aren’t as important as God’s purpose.

  • S3: Chasing Unity (Philippians - Beau...

    Thankfully, the connection between believers isn’t something that will make you cringe, cry, or steal your joy. That’s because unity isn’t based on a thing, it’s based on the person of Jesus Christ. Being unified with Christ empowers us to be unified with others. And that will bring you joy.

  • S4: Chasing Jesus (Philippians - Beau...

    Paul says—Listen! I know I’ve said it a bunch of times. Be joyful. Be glad. Be happy. But I’m just going to keep on saying it because it’s good for you to hear. So, here it is again: Rejoice in the Lord. This isn’t a onetime thing—go on constantly rejoicing.