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S2: Chasing Purpose (Philippians - Beautiful Word)

Beautiful Word: Philippians • 22m

Up Next in Beautiful Word: Philippians

  • S3: Chasing Unity (Philippians - Beau...

    Thankfully, the connection between believers isn’t something that will make you cringe, cry, or steal your joy. That’s because unity isn’t based on a thing, it’s based on the person of Jesus Christ. Being unified with Christ empowers us to be unified with others. And that will bring you joy.

  • S4: Chasing Jesus (Philippians - Beau...

    Paul says—Listen! I know I’ve said it a bunch of times. Be joyful. Be glad. Be happy. But I’m just going to keep on saying it because it’s good for you to hear. So, here it is again: Rejoice in the Lord. This isn’t a onetime thing—go on constantly rejoicing.

  • S5: Chasing Peace (Philippians - Beau...

    The pathway from panic to peace is prayer. It’s extremely difficult for the closed-fist posture of worry, anxiety, and stress to coexist with the hands-raised posture of worship.