Hey-O! Stories of the Bible
Dive into the amazing world of Hey-O! Stories of the Bible! Developed by Saddleback Kids, these animated Bible videos bring to life nearly 70 stories from the Old and New Testaments. Follow along with the companion Bible storybook for a fun, interactive experience!
Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Reader’s Version®, NIrV®. Copyright © 1995, 1996, 1998, 2014 by Biblica, Inc.® Used with permission. All rights reserved worldwide. The “NIrV” and “New International Reader’s Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.®
Available Products:
Hey-O! Stories of the Bible storybook
Free Extras:
Noah and the Ark Activity Kit
Creation Activity Kit
Easter Activity Kit
Christmas Activity Kit
P10 God Makes Everything (Hey-O! Stories of the Bible)
This animated Bible story about Creation references Genesis 1. Follow along in the storybook for the full experience!
P19 Adam and Eve Sin (Hey-O! Stories of the Bible)
This animated Bible story about the first sin of Adam and Eve references Genesis 3. Follow along in the storybook for the full experience!
P25 Cain and Abel's Offering (Hey-O! Stories of the Bible)
This animated Bible story about Cain and Abel's offering references Genesis 4. Follow along in the storybook for the full experience!
P28 Noah and the Ark (Hey-O! Stories of the Bible)
This animated Bible story about Noah and the ark references Genesis 6-8. Follow along in the storybook for the full experience!
P36 God's Promise for Abraham and Sarah (Hey-O! Stories of the Bible)
This animated Bible story about God's promise to Abraham and Sarah references Genesis 15, 17, 18, 21. Follow along in the storybook for the full experience!
P44 Jacob and Esau (Hey-O! Stories of the Bible)
This animated Bible story about Jacob and Esau references Genesis 27. Follow along in the storybook for the full experience!
P54 Joseph's Coat (Hey-O! Stories of the Bible)
This animated Bible story about Joseph's coat of many colors references Genesis 37. Follow along in the storybook for the full experience!
P62 Joseph Forgives His Brothers (Hey-O! Stories of the Bible)
This animated Bible story about Joseph forgiving his brothers references Genesis 42-45. Follow along in the storybook for the full experience!
P71 Baby Moses (Hey-O! Stories of the Bible)
This animated Bible story about baby Moses references Exodus 2. Follow along in the storybook for the full experience!
P75 Moses and the Red Sea (Hey-O! Stories of the Bible)
This animated Bible story about Moses crossing the Red Sea references Exodus 13-14. Follow along in the storybook for the full experience!
P86 The Ten Commandments (Hey-O! Stories of the Bible)
This animated Bible story about The Ten Commandments references Exodus 1:21 and Deuteronomy 5. Follow along in the storybook for the full experience!
P88 Joshua and Caleb (Hey-O! Stories of the Bible)
This animated Bible story about Joshua and Caleb going with the spies to scout the land of Canaan references Numbers 13. Follow along in the storybook for the full experience!
P96 The Israelites Cross the Jordan (Hey-O! Stories of the Bible)
This animated Bible story about Israel crossing the Jordan River references Joshua 3. Follow along in the storybook for the full experience!
P100 The Walls of Jericho (Hey-O! Stories of the Bible)
This animated Bible story about the fall of the walls of Jericho references Joshua 6. Follow along in the storybook for the full experience!
P106 Gideon's 300 Men (Hey-O! Stories of the Bible)
P113 Ruth (Hey-O! Stories of the Bible)
P120 Hannah (Hey-O! Stories of the BIble)
P123 God Speaks to Samuel (Hey-O! Stories of the Bible)
This animated Bible story about God speaking to Samuel references 1 Samuel 3.
P129 David Chosen to Be King (Hey-O! Stories of the Bible)
This animated Bible story about David being chosen as king of Israel references 1 Samuel 16. Follow along in the storybook for the full experience!
P134 David and Goliath (Hey-O! Stories of the Bible)
This animated Bible story about David and Goliath references 1 Samuel 17. Follow along in the storybook for the full experience!
P142 Solomon asks for Wisdom (Hey-O! Stories of the Bible)
This animated Bible story about Solomon asking for wisdom references 1 Kings 3:3-15, 2 Chronicles 1:7-13. Follow along in the storybook for the full experience!
P146 Jehoshaphat (Hey-O! Stories of the Bible)
This animated Bible story about King Jehoshaphat references 2 Chronicles 20. Follow along in the storybook for the full experience!
P153 Josiah (Hey-O! Stories of the Bible)
This animated Bible story about King Josiah references 2 Kings 22. Follow along in the storybook for the full experience!
P158 Jonah and the Fish (Hey-O! Stories of the Bible)
This animated Bible story about Jonah and the fish references Jonah 1-3. Follow along in the storybook for the full experience!