Gender Issues in the Church

This collection of studies explores what the Bible has to say about the treatment of women, the value of women, women in leadership in the church, and gender issues.

ALL Cultural & Social Issues Ethics, Politics, and Christian Behavior Racial Reconcilation Social Justice Related Category: Black Voices

  • Cultural Christians in the Early Church (Nadya Williams)

    10 items

    Get to know sinful saints and saintly sinners in the early church. Christians today tend to see the earliest followers of Jesus as zealous converts who were much more counterculturally devoted to their faith than typical churchgoers today. Cultural Christianity might seem like a modern concept, o...

  • Better Together (Danielle Strickland)

    6 items

    Have you considered your own gender versus the opposite in a defensive way? If we are honest, we all have. We are only as strong as our understanding of our differences—and they are many and varied. But we were not created alone, or separately. We were in fact created of and from and in the image...

  • How (Not) to Read the Bible (Dan Kimball)

    6 items

    Dan Kimball guides you step-by-step through making sense of the most misunderstood, difficult, and disturbing Bible passages. Whether you’re a Christian, a doubter, or someone exploring the Bible for the first time, this study is your guide to understanding and contextualizing passages in the Bib...

  • Love Is an Orientation (Andrew Marin)

    12 items

    This six-session video-based study offers a variety of practical teachings, insights and life lessons straight out of the practical applications Andrew Marin has learned over the last decade of living and working in the LGBT neighborhood of Chicago called Boystown, as well as his international sp...

  • No More Holding Back (Kat Armstrong)

    5 items

    If you have ever felt challenged or insecure as a woman in following your dreams, or in your career, or in your personal pursuit of God, this is your study. Kat Armstrong urges women to wholeheartedly love the Lord beyond our heart and soul, as well as with our mind and strength. She dares to ask...

  • Recovering from Biblical Manhood and Womanhood (Aimee Byrd)

    9 items

    While evangelicalism dukes it out about who can be church leaders, the rest of the 98% of us need to be well-equipped to see where we fit in God's household and why that matters. The Recovering from Biblical Manhood and Womanhood Video Study will help improve the culture of our churches and disci...

  • The Gift of Thorns (A. J. Swoboda)

    11 items

    “How are we formed into godliness in our human desire?” More than anything, this project is a biblical, theological, and experiential exploration into one of the things that makes us human: our God-given desire. Not only will we take time to explore our own desires, but we will also traverse a ba...

  • The Hope in Our Scars (Aimee Byrd)

    14 items

    Focus on a book of the Bible: Song of Solomon

    Aimee Byrd peels back the church's underlying and pervasive theology of power to face the shame that lurks there and find the lasting hope of belonging in Christ. Some things happening in the church these days should provoke our anger. It's racked wi...

  • The Sexual Reformation (Aimee Byrd)

    9 items

    Study of a Book of the Bible: Song of Solomon

    The church is sadly confused about what it means to be a man or a woman. While secular society talks about sexuality in terms of liberation, many in the church define manhood and womanhood in terms of reductive roles that rob us of the dignity of per...

  • Woman Evolve (Sarah Jakes Roberts)

    6 items

    Study of a Bible Character: Eve

    In Woman Evolve, a six-session video Bible study, Sarah Jakes Roberts, daughter of Bishop T.D. Jakes, helps you realize and take action toward your God-given and purposeful evolution as a woman. After her mistake in the Garden of Eden, Eve became the first woman t...

  • Women's Empowerment (Melanie Jones)

    3 items

    This collection of sermons reflects the women throughout history who refused to stay silent in the face of injustice, beginning with Coretta Scott King and other contemporary women. Then, drawing from examples of women in the Bible, we'll learn from women who are unafraid to ask for what they wan...

  • You Are the Girl for the Job (Jess Connolly)

    6 items

    Have you ever let doubt, hesitation, and comparison hold you back from embracing that deep tug on your heart—your calling from God? The truth is that God has placed you exactly where you are for exactly what is before you. Dive into Scripture and see just how perfectly planned every element of yo...