Women's Bible Studies: Overcoming & Healing

Women, if you are imprisoned by self-destructive behaviors such as overeating, perfectionism, obsessing, or negative self-talk, you don't need to stay there. If you're caught in difficulties such as a family breakdown, a painful transition, a devastating failure, or a life-altering loss, God gives you the power to break free.

ALL Women's Bible Studies Women's Studies on Books & People of the Bible Beautiful Word Studies Women's Studies on How to Flourish in Life & With God Related Topic: Gender Issues in the Church

  • The Storm Inside (Sheila Walsh)

    8 items

    Study of Bible Characters: Various Women.

    We all face storms in life. Many times, these storms devastate us and leave us torn apart beyond recognition. Heartbreak. Fear. Regret. Insecurity. Shame. When these emotions well up inside, it’s difficult to believe we will make it through. We have an e...

  • Unglued (Lysa TerKeurst)

    7 items

    Many women spend an entire lifetime trying to keep their raw emotions in check. These emotions can flare up at strangers, but more often, they affect the people we love the most. Author and speaker Lysa TerKeurst admits that she, like most women, has experiences where others bump into her "happy,...

  • Untangle Your Emotions (Jennie Allen)

    6 items

    The rules have changed when it comes to our emotions. Do we have control over feeling sad? Feeling angry? Feeling happy? If we can just stop thinking a thought, can we just stop feeling a feeling? Jennie Allen takes a look at individual moments when Jesus and Father God and the Spirit all feel em...

  • Unwavering (Stasi Eldredge)

    6 items

    In this six-week video study, Unwavering, Stasi Eldredge draws powerful lessons from her book, Defiant Joy, to help us defy, resist, and oppose the powers that threaten to destroy our souls and steal our joy. For instance, we may be whiplashed by an unexpected crisis. Or, fear may have gripped us...

  • When God Doesn't Fix It (Laura Story)

    5 items

    Laura Story's life took an unexpected turn when her husband, Martin, was diagnosed with a brain tumor. The news brought Laura's dreams of a fairy-tale life to an end. Yet it also brought her a deeper intimacy with God as she turned to him and allowed him to rewrite her story. In this five-session...

  • When Making Others Happy Is Making You Miserable (Karen Ehman)

    6 items

    Let God be the one who calls the shots in your life. Karen Ehman knows firsthand how people-pleasing locks us in a prison, trapping us in unhealthy habits which distract us from our true selves and our God-given purpose. Explore why we fall into people-pleasing behaviors, which is nothing more th...

  • When Strivings Cease (Ruth Chou Simons)

    6 items

    This study is for strivers, for those of us exhausted by the “You are enough—just improve yourself” narrative. The truth is, we never were enough, and we never will be. It’s time to lay down the wearying pursuit of self-betterment and measuring ourselves against popular opinion. The answer we’re ...

  • Woman Evolve (Sarah Jakes Roberts)

    6 items

    Study of a Bible Character: Eve

    In Woman Evolve, a six-session video Bible study, Sarah Jakes Roberts, daughter of Bishop T.D. Jakes, helps you realize and take action toward your God-given and purposeful evolution as a woman. After her mistake in the Garden of Eden, Eve became the first woman t...

  • You Are Free (Rebekah Lyons)

    6 items

    In this six-session video Bible study, Rebekah Lyons explores why we all want to know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, what we were made for. Yet many of us believe that “calling” feels like something held for the exclusive few. Rebekah’s heart is to dismantle that idea, to remind each and every one ...