You Teach: Volume 4

You Teach: Volume 4

Stop looking through piles of books or files of documents trying to put together the perfect lesson. The Skit Guys, Tommy Woodard and Eddie James, have compiled it all for you! In this new video series from the Skit Guys, you’ll get more than just funny videos! You Teach Volume 4 covers topics such as anger, foul language, and making the most out of bad situations.

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You Teach: Volume 4
  • You Teach: Volume 4, Session 1. Workplace

    In Session 1, "Workplace," you will learn that talking about life as a Christian without living it out will not make a good impression on those around you.

  • You Teach: Volume 4, Session 2. Never Runners

    In Session 2, "Never Runners," you will learn that getting to the finish line—both in athletic competition and in the spiritual realm—takes a lot of preparation and training and discipline.

  • You Teach: Volume 4, Session 3. The Verdict

    In Session 3, "The Verdict," you will learn the freeing truth that because of what Jesus did on the cross, there will be no condemnation for the sin in your life as you stand before a holy God who is both your judge and jury.

  • You Teach: Volume 4, Session 4. Walk the Talk

    In Session 4, "Walk the Talk," you will learn that when you allow words to fly haphazardly out of your mouth in anger, they can damage relationships, hurt those around you, and impact your own attitudes and emotions.

  • You Teach: Volume 4, Session 5. Can You Hear Me Now?

    Session 5, "Can You Hear Me Now?" plays out the issue of anger and the need to be careful about what comes out of your mouth—and more than that, to think before you speak.

  • You Teach: Volume 4, Session 6. The Legend of the Sceva House

    In Session 6, "The Legend of the Sceva House," teaches that God meets people where they are and will use any means necessary to draw all people to him.

  • You Teach: Volume 4, Session 7. Lemonade

    In Session 7, "Lemonade," you will learn that it’s through trials that God often completes the process of making people into mature and authentic followers of Jesus with a faith that’s real, tested, and enduring to the end.