The Power of Your Story
What is your story? We all have stories. Some are funny, some are painful—all contribute to who we are. What we don’t always see is that God is weaving an overarching story that started before time, extends through history, and will reach far beyond our lifetimes. God extends an invitation to each of us to step into His story and experience the ongoing narrative of His Word in our lives.
In this unique study, you will join visionary author Ben Arment and four of the most creative and effective communicators in the church today—Leonard Sweet, Chris Seay, Pete Wilson, and Ginny Owens—as they reveal some of their personal stories and expound on key stories in King David's life. You will examine the concepts of backstory, setting, plot, conflict, and resolution within the life of David and within your own life. Step into the power of God’s story and see where He can take yours.
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Conversation Guide
The Power of Your Story, Session 1, Backstory
Session 1, "Backstory", Is there some Divine plan for our lives? Learn how your story has the power to impact others and the world around you.
The Power of Your Story, Session 2, Characters
Session 2, "Characters", learn about the role others play, and how God uses them to shape your story.
The Power of Your Story, Session 3, Plot
Session 3, "Plot", every main character in a movie or book starts one way at the beginning of the story and is different in the end. Learn about that plot arc in between and how God is using it to mold you into who He wants you to be.
The Power of Your Story, Session 4, Metaphor
Session 4, "Metaphor", Jesus used metaphors, or stories, to bring to life his teachings. Learn how God wants to do the same with your story.
The Power of Your Story, Session 5, Narrative
Session 5, "Narrative", How do you create an identity? Learn how your story and the stories of your family, will bring out your unique identity.
The Power of Your Story, Session 6, Inciting Incident
Session 6, "Inciting Incident", in a movie or story the inciting incident moves the main character into a new direction. Learn about the inciting incidents in King David's life, and how they were opportunities for God to get him the next phase of his life.
The Power of Your Story, Session 7, Authenticity
Session 7, "Authenticity", Why do Christians struggle to be real with their own stories? Learn how hiding our weaknesses impedes our winning others to Christ.