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Rhythms of Renewal - Session 2 - Rest

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Rhythms of Renewal - Session 1 - Living in Rhythm

Rhythms of Renewal • 20m

Up Next in Rhythms of Renewal

  • Rhythms of Renewal - Session 2 - Rest

    Who needs a nap, a day off, a chance to breathe deeply? Every one of us. Resting and establishing a rhythm of refreshment is not about weakness; it is about being more like Jesus. It is about honoring our Creator. Rest is about living with wisdom, learning from our Father, and walking in the foot...

  • Rhythms of Renewal - Session 3 - Res...

  • Rhythms of Renewal - Session 4 - Connect

    Once we have the *input* of **Rest** and **Restore,** and these rhythms mark our lives, we can begin to honor God as we let the *output rhythms* flow. We can **Connect** with people in meaningful and life-giving ways. Our friendships, family relationships, and all of our human connections thrive....