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S5: Does Christianity Say Other Religions are Wrong? (How Not to Read the Bible)
How (Not) to Read the Bible
My God Can Beat Up Your God: Christianity often gets a bad rap for being “intolerant” by believing that Jesus is the only true path to God. But when we look at the various “paths” or religious perspectives, we see that *not all paths end up in the same place.* Reading the “intolerant” verses in the context of a bigger storyline changes them from words of intolerance to words of love.
Up Next in How (Not) to Read the Bible
S6: The Horror of God's Old Testament...
Rated NC-17: It’s easy to level accusations against the God of the Bible when we read a violent passage without the full context of the Bible’s storyline. Many of the violent acts in the Bible are the result of evil human choices and decisions, despite God's loving warnings. This session will dis...