S1: Hidden Treasures (Hidden)
Feat. the Daughters of Shallum, who helped repair a section of the walls of Jerusalem (Nehemiah 3:6-12). These women defied the cultural norms of their day to follow God wholeheartedly, in effect "hiding" themselves in him. Key lessons: Inherent worth, Integrity, Impact.
Up Next in Hidden
S2: Where All Good Things Are Found (...
Feat. Cleopas, one of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35). In a culture that has conditioned us to think we can hustle our way to the top, it's almost inconceivable that according to God the only thing we need to do is receive. Key lessons: Invitation, Revelation, Transformati...
S3: Choosing Excellence Over Exposure...
Feat. Huldah the Prophetess in King Josiah's court (2 Chronicles 34:1-33). What if we showed up to the moments the Lord presented, stepping into the spotlight long enough to serve, and then fading away into obscurity? What if we sought hiddenness? Key lessons: Preparation, Protection, Power.
S4: What Lies Beneath the Surface of ...
Feat. Pilate's Wife (Matthew 27:11-26). There are two options upon being faced with the wholeness and holiness of Christ: we can either surrender to his lordship in a posture of humble gratitude, or we can brazenly persist in our sin. Key lessons: God's Word, Prayer, Community.