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The 28 Day Prayer Journey - Session 1 - Introduction: The Practice of Pr...

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S5: Adventure (The Pre-Marriage Course)

Study Gateway Open - FREE Access • 51m

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  • The 28 Day Prayer Journey - Session 1...

    If prayer unlocks our intimacy with God, why don't we use it more? Prayer is a practice with God, not a performance. The more we practice our prayer, the more natural our conversation with God will be. Prayer requires confidence in God and consistent discipline. Try practicing *breath prayer,* wh...

  • 3:16 - Session 1: The Most Famous Con...

    In a world of no second chances, one shot, and better-get-it-right-the-first-time, it’s hard to conceive of what it could mean to be born again. Nicodemus may not have understood it in the moment during that most famous conversation, but what he received from Jesus that night was hope. A hope to ...

  • S1: The Invitation (Mark - 40 Days Th...

    In the opening chapters of Mark, we see the meteoric rise of Jesus. We then witness conflict when the religious leaders decide they do not like what Jesus is teaching and how the crowds are drawn to him. Jesus is helping the people of his day understand who he is and what he expects of those who ...