S5: Adventure (The Pre-Marriage Course)
Study Gateway Open - FREE Access
Today we are facing a global crisis when it comes to families. There is an urgent need to invest in marriage and family life, for strong societies are built on strong families, and strong families are built on strong marriages. Marriages today are under more pressure than ever, and with the amount of marital breakdown we are experiencing, more people are seeing the need of the need to prepare. The choice to marry—no longer an assumption in our society—presents a key moment for learning.
The Pre-Marriage Course, developed by Nicky and Sila Lee of Alpha, has been revised and updated to provide practical tools to help engaged couples build a strong foundation for a lasting marriage. This update includes talks from experts including Dr. Gray Chapman, Dr. Henry Cloud, and Dr. Sue Johnson on topics such as money, sex, love languages, healthy boundaries, and building connections. The course will also cover how engaged couples can:
- Express their feelings and learn to listen
- Recognize the importance of commitment
- Resolve conflicts with one another
- Keep love alive and develop a fulfilling sexual relationship
- Talk about goals and values as a couple
The Pre-Marriage Course is based on a - Christian understanding of love and serves to strengthen marriages within the church while being accessible for all couples from any cultural background, with or without a background in the Christian faith.
Purchase the companion study journal at ChurchSource.com: https://bit.ly/3kzG70U
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