S1: Believe I Am (John - Beautiful Word)
Study Gateway Open - FREE Access
We’re not just meant to know a lot about God. We can get to know Him personally. Knowing about someone is just the first step toward really knowing them. Thankfully, God has made Himself known to us through His Word and through His son, Christ Jesus.
Up Next in Study Gateway Open - FREE Access
S1: Outliers, Outcasts, and the Outra...
Of the four Gospels, Luke highlights the outrageous mercy of God most. From the opening verses, we see compassion and tender care on display as God is working in and through the lives of those who feel left behind, forgotten, invisible, and rejected. Jesus readily goes to those on the margins to ...
S1: The Most Powerful Lens (Romans - ...
The gospel is the perfect lens we need for everything. The danger is that sometimes we treat the gospel like we treat our glasses. We take it off when it’s inconvenient; we put it on when it seems to serve our purpose.
S1: The Hidden Power of Acceptance (G...
When we understand that we are accepted and claimed by Christ, we can confidently walk in His authority. We don't have to conjure up self-confidence or recite man-made mantras. We can boldly stand on the authority of God alone and refuse to seek the acceptance of man, because we are fully embrace...