S2: Witness (Jesus Followers)
Study Gateway Open - FREE Access
What will people think of you when you’re gone? What will your grandchildren know about you? Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you are remembered throughout generations to come as one whose life bore unmistakable witness to your faith in God? The choice is yours.
Up Next in Study Gateway Open - FREE Access
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When President Kennedy proposed a moon landing, it was seen as audacious, even crazy. But, the same could be said of a different kind of mission that God announced in a “speech” back in the Garden of Eden. The world’s first humans had just fallen prey to Satan’s temptations and disobeyed God, ush...
S1: The Struggle Is Real (Live No Lies)
Meant for Good - Session 1 - God's Pl...
Everything God does is meant for good; but, God defines *good* differently than we define good. God's good plans are not exempt from trial. Rather than saving you from trials, God wants to transform you *through* them. Your past will either be Satan's weapon against you or God's most powerful tool.