S1: The Struggle Is Real (Live No Lies)
Study Gateway Open - FREE Access
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Meant for Good - Session 1 - God's Pl...
Everything God does is meant for good; but, God defines *good* differently than we define good. God's good plans are not exempt from trial. Rather than saving you from trials, God wants to transform you *through* them. Your past will either be Satan's weapon against you or God's most powerful tool.
Mysteries of the Messiah Session 1
The entire Old Testament points to the coming of the Messiah in the New Testament. The story of the Creation sets the foundation of the much larger story that will be revealed in Scripture, which focuses on relationship, redemption, and restoration.
S1: Introduction: Are You Tired? (Not...
**Are you enough?** We aren’t. None of us. It’s a universal diagnosis. But after we absorb the initial shock and hurt of that truth, it’s usually followed by a wave of relief. We understand there is a reason we all feel a deep-in-our-bones problem. Then and only then can we allow Jesus to meet ou...