Charles Colson on Politics and the Christian Faith, Session 1. Is America a Christian Nation?
Charles Colson on Politics and the Christian Faith
In Session 1, “Is America a Christian Nation?” you will learn the two equal foundations of America and the six government institutions that were shaped by a Christian world view. You will discern your responsibility in proclaiming the truths of the Bible and acting on them.
Up Next in Charles Colson on Politics and the Christian Faith
Charles Colson on Politics and the Ch...
In Session 2, “Should Christians Be in Politics?” you will learn what inspires Christians to serve their country and discover the motives and balance a Christian needs in order to serve effectively in politics. You will discern what you should look for when voting for a candidate.
Charles Colson on Politics and the Ch...
In Session 3, “What Is America’s Church and State Problem?” you will learn how religious liberties are being encroached upon in America. You will study the constitution and discover how its original intent is being changed and discern when it is necessary to resist government in service to God.
Charles Colson on Politics and the Ch...
Session 4, “Can Politics Save America?” you will learn the reason for American society’s decline and who can bring about the needed change. You will discover the ultimate hope and your role in helping America to remain a beacon of freedom.