Now and Not Yet (Ruth Chou Simons)
Waiting on the Lord for direction, answers, or strength can be challenging. We can sometimes view waiting as wasted time. But God often uses waiting to make us more like Christ, and to teach us things about his character that we'll only learn while we wait. In Now and Not Yet, Ruth Chou Simons explores five biblical narratives that put God's faithfulness to waiting people on display and helps us shift our gaze from the answers we're seeking to the God who meets us while we wait.
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Study Guide Book
S1: God Keeps His Promises (Now and Not Yet)
God made a covenant with Abraham that richly displays God's trustworthiness and faithfulness.
S2: God's Sovereignty Directs a Bigger Story (Now and Not Yet)
The life of Joseph illustrates how faithfulness to God and his word sometimes means our circumstances get worse, not better; more painful, not pain-free.
S3: God Provides in the Wilderness (Now and Not Yet)
We see in the story of Israel's 40 years in the wilderness that God is faithful to provide in the midst of the desert, and we must consciously remember how we have seen God at work in our lives in order to cultivate continued trust in his ability to provide in the future.
S4: God Hears Your Cries (Now and Not Yet)
In the life of Hannah we see her pain at feeling unseen and misunderstood, and her joy at being loved by being seen and heard. The beauty in Hannah’s example is that regardless of how she felt, she continued to talk to and trust the Lord.
S5: God's Sufficiency Meets Your Weakness (Now and Not Yet)
A curious theme of Paul's life and ministry is his boasting in his weakness. He does this to experience the power of God at work in and through him.
S6: God's Sanctifying Work is Sure (Now and Not Yet)
Our present experience of a spiritual reality isn’t the whole picture. One day, our physical and spiritual realities will be in sync, but until then, we will live in the tension of already and not yet.