My One Word (Mike Ashcraft)

My One Word (Mike Ashcraft)

Mike Ashcroft has been challenging his church members to focus on one way that they would like to grow through the course of the year, and it has come with amazing results. Now he brings that same challenge to you in One Word, a four-session, video-based study. This year, lose the long list of resolutions and find lasting change by spending an entire year focusing on just one thing that you most hope God will do in you.

Available Products:

My One Word (Mike Ashcraft)
  • My One Word, Session 1. Your Word - Your Vision

    In Session 1, "Your Word—Your Vision," you will learn that spiritual growth requires concentration and you will discover the best, most effective way to bring on the positive changes in yourself that you desire—by choosing one word to focus on in the coming year.

  • My One Word, Session 2. One Word - One Step

    In Session 2, "One Word—One Step," you will learn how to set aside your unrealistic expectations for growth and embrace a realistic planning process to engage in change over time.

  • My One Word, Session 3. Resistance Builds Strength

    In Session 3, "Resistance Builds Strength," you will learn that character is developed by how you deal with the struggles you face, not by avoiding them.

  • My One Word, Session 4. Share Your Word - Share Your Life

    In Session 4, "Share Your Word—Share Your Life," you will be challenged to share your word with people who can encourage and pray for you and to also encourage them in the coming year as they embrace the word God spoke to their heart.