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Better Together - Session 2 - Hope for the Future

Better Together (Danielle Strickland) • 20m

Up Next in Better Together (Danielle Strickland)

  • Better Together - Session 3 - Pulling...

    The first step to unraveling oppression is to identify the loose end in your own life (the area or belief that is working with our culture of oppression rather than against it). We join Jesus in his restoration work to unravel oppression (particularly around gender inequality) through loving othe...

  • Better Together - Session 4 - Embraci...

    Jesus calls his church to be marked by love, equality, and the celebration of diversity, noting the strengthening impact of welcoming such differences. The culture where our differences denigrate, elevate, or separate us is to be pushed aside, in favor of allowing the Holy Spirit to unify us in c...

  • Better Together - Session 5 - Replaci...

    Action and decision-making grow out of deep-seated beliefs in the inner self. Though they are not always easily identified, the impact of painful memories, the repeated embrace of lies, and falsely held beliefs all shape how we interact with the world around us, others, and even God. *Coming to J...