You Are Never Alone - Session 4 - God Is with You in the Dark
You Are Never Alone (Max Lucado)
We see in the healing of the blind man that darkness is powerful and comes in many forms: *guilt, sin, trauma, anxiety, fear.* When you are in Christ, it’s not that you will never experience these things again. Rather, in the midst of them, you will have the light of hope and healing. You will view the darkness in a new way—as something that is temporary, that does not define you, and from which you are safe.
Up Next in You Are Never Alone (Max Lucado)
You Are Never Alone - Session 5 - God...
Don’t miss the metaphor in the raising of Lazarus from the dead after four days. Jesus didn’t do this simply to amaze us. Rather, it speaks to his ability to raise each of us. His desire is to move us from a life of darkness and death to one that is vibrant with life. He wants to redeem us and fo...
You Are Never Alone - Session 6 - God...
The disciples had their failings when it came to Jesus’ most staggering miracle—his resurrection from the grave. Most of them doubted. One of them refused to believe until he saw the evidence firsthand. Regardless of their actions and reactions, Jesus still loved them. And displayed this love in ...