What Christians Ought to Believe (Michael F. Bird)
What Christians Ought to Believe teaches beginning students and laypersons the basics of what Christians ought to affirm if they are to be called Christians. Sadly, modern churches have often hesitated to embrace the ancient creeds because of our "nothing but the Bible" tradition. But the Apostles' Creed is a treasure trove of basic Christian beliefs and wisdom that helps ensure the integrity and orthodoxy of our faith.
Available Products:
S1: Christian Creeds for Beginners (What Christians Ought to Believe)
S2: Why You Need the Creed (What Christians Ought to Believe)
S3: I Believe (What Christians Ought to Believe)
S4: Believing in the Father (What Christians Ought to Believe)
S5: Believing in the Son - Divine and Human (What Christians Ought to Believe)
S6: Believing in the Son - Messiah and Lord (What Christians Ought to Believe)
S7: Believing in the Virgin Birth (What Christians Ought to Believe)
S8: Believing in the Cross - The Offence (What Christians Ought to Believe)
S9: Believing in the Cross - The Victory (What Christians Ought to Believe)
S10: Believing that Jesus Lives (What Christians Ought to Believe)
S11: Believing that Jesus Reigns (What Christians Ought to Believe)
S12: Believing in the Spirit (What Christians Ought to Believe)
S13: Belonging to the Church (What Christians Ought to Believe)
S14: Believing in Salvation, Waiting for God (What Christians Ought to Believe)