What on Earth am I Here For?
You are about to embark on a journey of discovery. Throughout this six-session video-based study by Rick Warren you are going to discover the answer to life’s most fundamental question: “What on earth am I hear for?”
And here’s a clue to the answer: “It’s not about you…You were created by God and for God, and until you understand that, life will never make sense. It is only in God that we discover our origin, our identity, our meaning, our purpose, our significance, and our destiny. Whether you are going to experience this adventure with a small group or on your own, this study will change your life.
When combined with the reading of The Purpose Driven Life, this study will give you and your small group the opportunity to discuss the implications and applications of living the life God created you to live.
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Study Guide Book Journal
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Study Guide First Chapter
What On Earth Am I Here For? - Session 1 - You Matter to God
What on Earth Am I Here For? - Session 2: You Were Planned for God's Pleasure
You are about to embark on a journey of discovery. In the next forty days, you and a group of friends are going to discover together the answer to life's most fundamental question: "What on earth am I here for?" And here's a clue to the answer: "It's not about you ... You were created by God and ...
What on Earth Am I Here For? - Session 3 - You Were Formed for God's Family
You are about to embark on a journey of discovery. In the next forty days, you and a group of friends are going to discover together the answer to life's most fundamental question: "What on earth am I here for?" And here's a clue to the answer: "It's not about you ... You were created by God and ...
What On Earth Am I Here For? - Session 4 - You Were Created to Become Like Christ
What On Earth Am I Here For? - Session 5 - You Were Shaped to Serve God
What On Earth Am I Here For? - Session 6 - You Were Made for a Mission