S1: We Had God at Hello (12 Daring Women of the Bible)
Lisa Harper uses the story of the Shulamite woman to assure us that our Heavenly Father delights in us and we can't let our "less than" feelings erode our relationship with him.
S2: Fight Like a Girl (12 Daring Women of the Bible)
Bianca Juárez Olthoff challenges us through the story of Deborah to stop fixating on the problems of following God's call, but to use the gifts he has given us—even gifts of leadership.
S3: How Not to Do it All (12 Daring Women of the Bible)
Karen Ehman finds help for us from the Proverbs 31 woman to stop playing the comparison game, trying to become a replica of some other woman, and instead become the woman God made you to be.
S4: Staying Focused in a World of Distractions (12 Daring Women of the BIble)
Chrystal Evans Hurst teaches us in the story of Ruth how to keep "good things" from becoming more important than "God things."
S5: How to Fight Your Fears (12 Daring Women of the Bible)
Margaret Feinberg teaches on the Hebrew midwives in Egypt, Puah and Shiphrah, who demonstrate that our culture of fear and anxiety doesn't have to reign, because God does!
S6: Letting God Be in Control (12 Daring Women of the Bible)
Courtney Joseph challenges us from the story of Esther not to waste an area of pain in our life. It might be the very thing God wants to use for his glory.
S7: Living a Life of Blessed Ordinary (12 Daring Women of the Bible)
Karen Ehman draws lessons from the story of Priscilla to learn to be content with however God wants to use us, and see the ordinary as the place where God can do the extraordinary.
S8: Finding Life in Death (12 Daring Women of the Bible)
Bianca Juárez Olthoff shows us that Mary and Martha demonstrate how to see God's face, even when we are facing storms and struggles.
S9: We've Got God's Complete Attention (12 Daring Women of the Bible)
Lisa Harper tells the story of the bent woman that Jesus healed, revealing that we are never an interruption to God. Whenever we draw near to God, he always waves us closer, touches us, and brings his healing power.
S10: When Persistence Pays Off (12 Daring Women of the Bible)
Chrystal Evans Hurst addresses our long seasons of pain and struggle through the story of the woman with the issue of blood, and how to keep going when we feel like giving up.
S11: How to Win the Waiting Game (12 Daring Women of the Bible)
Margaret Feinberg shows us in Elizabeth's story that God does not want us to wait alone, but he wants us to wait on him alone.
S12: How to Live a Life Devoted to God (12 Daring Women of the Bible)
Courtney Joseph tells the story of Anna to teach us to slow down to be in God's Word and in prayer so we don't miss the voice of God in our lives.