Volunteer's Guide to Helping Teenagers in Crisis
Fights at school, sexual abuse, eating disorders, school crises… The list goes on and on. Hardly a day passes without a local crisis taking place that involves your junior high or high school kids. The Volunteer's Guide to Helping Teenagers in Crisis is a four-session, video-based study that equips volunteer youth workers to deal with kids in crisis in a way that helps the individual as well as their family. This study covers the whole crisis continuum, culminating in a basic training of crisis prevention, recognizing when kids are in crisis, and responding to their needs.
Available Products:
Study Guide
The Volunteer's Guide to Helping Teenagers in Crisis, Session 1. Understanding Crisis
In Session 1, "Understanding Crisis," you will learn the three faces of crisis and the way it can distort reality for those affected by it.
The Volunteer's Guide to Helping Teenagers in Crisis, Session 2. Spotting Crisis
In Session 2, "Spotting Crisis," you will learn what it takes to recognize when someone is in crisis and not let anyone fall through the cracks.
The Volunteer's Guide to Helping Teenagers in Crisis, Session 3. Responding to Crisis
In Session 3, "Responding to Crisis," you will learn about suicidal language, threats, and actions that make it necessary to bring in reinforcements.
The Volunteer's Guide to Helping Teenagers in Crisis, Session 4. Preventing Crisis
In Session 4, "Preventing Crisis," you will learn ways a youth group can become a safe place for kids and how to prevent a crisis from escalating.