Liking Jesus

Liking Jesus

We all love the benefits of technology. But even with the upsides, many of us suspect there are negative consequences beyond our control. The more we interact online, the more we crave face-to-face intimacy. The more we compare ourselves with others, the less satisfied we are. The more filtered our lives become, the more challenging it is to be authentic.

In this small group video-based study, pastor and bestselling author Craig Groeschel shows how we can stay engaged with social media while still keeping our eyes focused on Jesus. In five sessions, he reveals how we can rediscover our understanding of the biblical principles life with Christ brings–contentment, intimacy, authenticity, compassion, and rest–and put God first in our social media saturated world.

It's time to refresh and rediscover what it means to be "like Jesus" and find true authenticity, a healthy self-image, and compassion for others in an age when we relate to each other so differently than ever before. It is time to no longer be defined by who follows you but by the One you follow.

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Study Guide Book

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Liking Jesus