S2: Who Is Calling the Shots? (When Making Others Happy Is Making You Miserable)
When Making Others Happy Is Making You Miserable
Many of us people-please due to our personality makeup. However, sometimes the “disease to please” rears its annoying head because we get to a place where we allow others to fill a role in our lives they were never meant to occupy. We need to stop placing people in the place of God, and seek to obey him instead of humans.
Up Next in When Making Others Happy Is Making You Miserable
S3: To Tell the Truth (When Making Ot...
When we are trying to defuse conflict before it starts, we sometimes panic. We say things we really don’t mean, all in an effort to keep things at an even keel. What if instead, we prayerfully, thoughtfully, and carefully chose our words, being totally truthful but in a way that shows our sinceri...
S4: Capable, but Are You Called? (Wh...
People assume you are tethered to your phone. They expect you to instantly respond to any messages they might send you, whether by text or otherwise. People can attempt to place tasks on our plates before getting any approval from us. Remind yourself that every need is not necessarily your call. ...
S5: Must Be Nice (When Making Others ...
When we repeatedly give in to the wishes of others—without ever sharing our true feelings or standing up for ourselves—we teach them how to treat us, paving the way for their future bad behavior. Often we go along to get along, being overly nice simply to avoid mental stress. However, being extre...