S1: Stillness to Know God (Waymaker)
We start with S - Stillness. For those of us who are the frustrated, the disappointed, the irritated and the flat-out exasperated, let’s get really honest about where we really are and what we really want. Let's listen to God’s first recorded question: Where are you? Imagine God asking you with incredible attentiveness, winsome tenderness, and a deeply invested interest in your heart, your soul, your answer.
Up Next in Waymaker
S2: Attentiveness to Hear God (Waymaker)
Attentiveness is the second letter in our SACRED habit—Attentiveness
to hear God. Because attentiveness to what is happening around us is a way of being attentive to God with us. What am I paying attention to? And, maybe even more significantly, who is the one who is paying attention to you? -
S3: Cruciformity to Surrender to God ...
In this session we turn to the letter “C” in the word SACRED, the letter in the center of SACRED and the crux of absolutely everything—Cruciformity— to surrender to God. To be cruciform is to be shaped and formed like a cross. A cross-shaped life is an exodus-shaped life: In Christ, there is alwa...
S4: Revelation to See God (Waymaker)
Let's turn to the letter "R" in the word SACRED. R for Revelation to see God. May he give us the eyes to see his blazing light, even in our darkest nights. Eyes to see how the darkness itself reveals God, the SACRED revelatory Light in the dark.