Vanishing Grace - Session 1: We've Got Problems
Vanishing Grace
A problem has emerged with how Christians are conveying God's grace to the world. In our polarized, divided world, grace seems to be in vanishing supply. Gabe Lyons discusses the growing hostility towards Christians, and how we need to move people from cynical to skeptical, from skeptical to curious. We need to get better at believing we have good news.
Up Next in Vanishing Grace
Vanishing Grace - Session 2: What Can...
Many evangelism techniques simply don't work in a post-Christian environment. Love is the essence of what we're supposed to be about. Former radical feminist Rosaria Butterfield tells her story of a pastor who saw her not as a lesbian sinner, but as a soul, and in disarming her with hospitality a...
Vanishing Grace - Session 3: Who Are ...
This session features people who use their unique gifts to administer God's grace. Holly Burkhalter was bitter towards God after seeing the Rwandan genocide, but she was drawn to faith by watching Gary Haugen and his team at International Justice Mission care for suffering people. After 9/11, Mak...
Vanishing Grace - Session 4: Is It Re...
In times of tragedy, we have the message of good news. Citing the Virginia Tech shootings, Columbine, the Aurora theater shootings, Sandy Hook Elementary School, Hurricane Katrina, 9/11, the Boston Marathon bombing, they all raise the question of *Where is God when it hurts?* But the harder quest...