S1: Here's the Church (Acts - 40 Days Through the Book)
Study Gateway Open - FREE Access
Many people see the church as primarily a human-led organization. Countless others think of the church as dying or dead. Some see the church as a remnant of the past. But don’t let anyone fool you. The church is still God’s plan to bring the love, grace, and truth of heaven to our broken world.
Up Next in Study Gateway Open - FREE Access
S1: A Revolutionary Idea (Ephesians -...
Sometimes we read the words of God and forget how counter-cultural and shocking they were at the time they were written—and how shocking they still are today. In the opening Ephesians, we read that *God chose us* before the foundation of the world and *adopted us into his own family.* He is birth...
S1: A Love Letter (Philippians - 40 D...
As followers of Jesus, we have heard the call to love God with all that is in us and to love our neighbors as ourselves. In this letter, we get a vision of how we should feel about other followers of Jesus and how we should express these feelings openly to them.
S1: The True Center (Colossians - 40 ...
Two millennia after the incarnation of Jesus, more than 2.3 billion people practice some form of faith based on the teaching and life of this one man. The question is not, “Is Jesus the true center of all things?” He is! The real question is, “Will I let him be the center of my life today and eve...