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S2: Discovering God's Dream for You (Created to Dream)

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S1: How Faith and Dreaming Are Connected (Created to Dream)

Created to Dream (Rick Warren) • 25m

Up Next in Created to Dream (Rick Warren)

  • S2: Discovering God's Dream for You (...

    God has a unique life course for you to run. If you’re always looking at other people while you’re running, you’re going to end up trying to run their race, or you’re going to get tripped up, or you’re going to listen to people in the stands—and you'll miss out on God’s race for you to run.

  • S: Making Wise Decisions (Created to ...

    Do something great with your life for Jesus’ sake. Don’t live a life of mediocrity. Don’t drift through life. Don’t just exist. Make the decision that you’re going to follow hard after Christ. That will determine your destiny not just on earth, but also for all eternity.

  • S4: Persisting Through Delays (Create...

    God is never in a hurry. God can do things immediately, and sometimes he does. But he is working on a much larger agenda than our timeframe. The delays that come into our lives do not destroy God's purposes. Rather, they fulfill God's purposes.