Loveology (John Mark Comer)

Loveology (John Mark Comer)

In the beginning, God created Adam. Then he made Eve. And ever since we’ve been picking up the pieces. Loveology is just that—a theology of love. It starts with God’s design for love and marriage and then works backwards through sex, romance, and singleness. In Loveology, a five-session, video-based study, Pastor and writer John Mark Comer talks about what is right in male/female relationships—what God intended in the Garden. And also what is wrong—the fallout in a post-Eden world. In these five sessions, Comer reveals what the Scriptures have to say about sexuality and relationships and offers intelligent, grace-and-truth answers to your difficult questions about love.

Available Products:
Study Guide Book

Loveology (John Mark Comer)
  • Loveology, Session 1. Love

    In Session 1, "Love," you will learn the world's "faulty view" of falling in love and that there is more to love than emotion.

  • Loveology, Session 2. Marriage

    In Session 2, "Marriage," you will learn some common misperceptions about marriage and how to have a strong, vibrant marriage even after the feelings fade.

  • Loveology, Session 3. Sex

    In Session 3, "Sex," you will learn about what sex has become in our culture as opposed to God's original intent for sex in marriage.

  • Loveology, Session 4. Romance

    In Session 4, "Romance," you will learn God's example for a healthy romantic relationship and a solid foundation on which to build your romance.

  • Loveology, Session 5. Singleness

    In Session 5, "Singleness," teaches that being single is not a curse and those who are single shouldn't be viewed differently than those who are married.